Eski Hindu Bilgeleri, 28 Nakşatra'ya veya ay takımyıldızlarına bölündü.
The Ancient Hindu Sages divided the zodiac into 27 Nakshatras or lunar constellations. Each constellation covers 13 degrees, 20 minutes. The calculation of Nakshatras begin with Ashwini Nakshatra 0 degrees of Aries and ends on 30 degrees of Pisces covered by Revati Nakshatra. Abhijit is 28th Nakshatra. The use of Nakshatra is very important in Vedic astrology. The Vimshottari Dasha, a 120-year-long planetary cycle is based upon the birth Nakshatra. Each Nakshatra is divided in four sections called Padas. Nakshatras also define the characteristics of the planets placed in them. Knowing Janma Nakshatra is very important as per vedic astrology. Janmanakshatra is the Nakshatra in which the Moon was placed at the time of birth. The Moon travels through a Nakshatra in a day.