Typing Test learning to type
Test Your Typing Speed Test your typing speed (WPM) and accuracy now with these typing tests. Learn to type faster with free touch typing lessons and typing practice drills. Take the tests anytime to check your improved typing skills! Choose the test most appropriate for your typing skill level. The timer for each test starts when you begin typing it. Basic Typing Speed Test This typing test will measure your typing accuracy and speed on all the basic letter keys: typing is quite easy and enjoyable when you have learned to do it correctly. when you learn to touch type, you will be amazed at just how much quicker you can be. it is necessary for you to realize that typing with exact accuracy is far better than being fast; you will find it is quicker in the end. Learn the entire keyboard. You may have enough experience typing to know most of the common keys - the letters, the space bar, enter, and I’ll bet you know that backspace! But you might be uncomfortable with some of the keys you don’t use as frequently. Do you have to slow down and look at the keyboard to type a number or symbol? If you program or work with spreadsheets you will use the symbol keys frequently. If you are a gamer there are probably CTRL, ALT and function keys that you fumble for in the heat of the battle. In fact, most all programs can be used more productively when you know the key combo shortcuts for doing common tasks. Hitting these awkward keys and combos accurately allows you to maintain focus on what you are doing, so make sure you include them in your typing practice. 4. Practice typing exercises regularly. Mastering typing skills takes training and practice. Practice on a regular schedule, 10 minutes to an hour per session, depending on your energy and focus level. As Vince Lombardi said, “Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect,” so it is important that you practice at a time and place where you can maintain focus and accuracy. Eliminate any potential distractions. If you find yourself making lots of errors, slow down and find a way to regain your focus or call it a day. The goal of practicing is to build muscle memory. You do not want to “learn” bad habits and mistakes.