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Wushu is a form of contemporary Chinese martial arts that blends elements of performance and martial application. Wushu training emphasizes quickness, explosive power, and natural, relaxed movement. The wushu practitioner must combine flexibility with strength, speed with flawless technique, fierce intent with effortless execution. STYLES OF WUSHU Modern wushu encompasses a wide variety of Chinese martial arts styles, which can be categorized in several ways. Along one axis, wushu is divided into barehand and weapon-play styles, where the various wushu weapons are grouped into long-range, short-range, flexible, and double weapons. Along another axis, wushu styles are categorized by the martial arts system which created them. For example, the southern martial arts system includes barehand, broadsword, and staff styles. Staff styles, on the other hand, have been created by the northern, southern, and even drunken fighting systems As beginners, students of wushu receive introductory training in most of the core styles, but as they gain experience, they begin to concentrate on a small number of styles. Typically, a student will specialize in one style each of barehand, short weapon, and long weapon. It is important that maturing students undertake specializations which match their abilities and personality — often, the choice is handed down by the instructor, whose judgement is guided by long experience, rather than the student, whose judgement may be colored by “what looks cool.” We describe each of the core styles in greater detail below: LONG FIST As the name might imply, longfist is characterized by attack at the extreme end of one’s reach. In order to conduct these long-range strikes, the longfist boxer must remain relaxed and extended in motion and posture. Longfist movement is quick, agile, and rhythmic, punctuated by explosive and spectacular jumping techniques. Power is clearly displayed in each movement, but tempered with grace and fluidity. SOUTHERN FIST Southern fist is characterized by powerful hand strikes built upon firm stancework. The Southern boxer fights with ferocious intent, at times using a yell to generate additional power and raise the spirit. Footwork is low, fast, and tight, creating a stable foundation for weathering or delivering attacks. Little distinction is made between offense and defense in Southern fist. Many blocking techniques are delivered with such force that they double as attacks, and peculiar to Southern fist is a technique known as a “bridge,” in which the fist is thrown with the forearm held diagonally, simultaneously blocking and striking. BROAD-SWORD-PLAY The broadsword, or saber, is known as the “Marshal of all Weapons,” as it was the standard armament of foot soldiers in medieval China. The broadsword is wielded in one hand, with the free hand forming a palm. It has a wide, curved blade with a single sharp edge, and when held at the side the tip of the blade extends to the practitioner’s ear. A silk flag is sometimes attached to the pommel of the sword. While the width and weight of the blade make it more appropriate for slicing and hacking attacks than thrusting attacks, both are used. Because the back edge of the sword is dull, the blade can be supported against the free hand or body in various movements. The major broadsword techniques include hacking, coiling around the head, uppercutting, parrying, and stabbing. Broadsword-play is characterized by swift, explosive movements and abandoned ferocity; an apt wushu saying states that “Broadsword-play resembles an enraged tiger.” want to know more? for further information and details, download this now and grab what you want. please enjoy this application and give us any feedback.