關於أناشيد شهر رمضان mp3
very wonderful application contains wonderful Ansahid with high quality mp3
Anashid of Ramadan a very wonderful application contains wonderful Ansahid especially the month of Ramadan with high quality and beautiful voices
This application is worth the download you can use it to congratulate friends and relatives by sending them anashid
Download and listen to the best anashid for the month of Ramadan
One of the advantages of the application :
• Great Anashid with high quality
• Move easy through the list
• The possibility of publishing any Anashid through any means
• The possibility of assigning the Anashid as ringtones for calls, messages or the hour each one according to his wishes
• Works without internet
• More ...
The month of Ramadan is the most beautiful and the greatest in the hearts of Muslims from all regions of the earth, where Muslims are running for the sake of good, fasting, prayers and continuing supplications of the month of Ramadan and are getting closer of God with their lives to receive forgiveness.
And maybe the supplication in this holy month better than any other, so we strive and pray to God to receive the blessings of Almighty God and enjoy the happiness of the world and the afterlife in that month
Behold, the month of love and forgiveness soon passed away, and the breaths of faith began to tame our soul and to perfume our blessing days when it comes.
The worship of Allah has another taste in this month, and the most important mention of Almighty God and supplication.
Ramadan is the month of spirituality, empowerment and dialogue of the Creator, where the gates of heaven are open to supplication, and we have chosen Ramadan supplications for you, so that you will find tranquility during the holy month.
In our Islam, many counsels, values, divine orders and prophetic counsels, especially during the month of the good and blessing of Ramadan, have been put to good use for the benefit of the interest of life and the beyond.
The origin of the du'aa is that it does not have a specific model. It contradicts the truth that connects your soul to your Creator when you need it and in your entire life every second you need.
you are blessed with good and evil to know the truth of your faith and your claim to Islam.
You can call what comes out of your chest honest and sincere, if you did the du'aa ', but before that, you must fulfill the conditions of the duaa.
At the end, we can only hope that the work we are proposing is at the required level, and we also hope that you make a positive assessment so that everyone can benefit from this app.
Contact us !, our e-mail address is above if you have any questions, Good luck !!