Remembrance is an application that cares about supplications and remembrances. Remembrance contains the remembrances of the morning and evening.
Are you looking for an application for the most important and best answered supplications, and by dispensing with searching for them on other sites, we are before you and in your hands in a remembrance application, as we offer you the most supplications that the people call, supplications to bring livelihood, supplications on Friday night and the pause of Arafa and Ramadan, and supplications for success and academic excellence, and supplications Facilitating childbirth, travel supplications and others, so that an easy-to-use dhikr application was designed. Hurry up to download the dhikr application.
Are you looking for an application for the most important and best answered supplications, and by dispensing with searching for it in other sites, we are in front of you and in your hands in the dhikr application, as we present to you the most supplications that people call upon, supplications to bring sustenance, prayers on Friday night, the pause of Arafa and Ramadan, and prayers for success and academic excellence, prayers to facilitate childbirth, supplication for travel and others, so that an easy-to-use dhikr application was designed.