關於تلك الايام ادهم شرقاوي_بدون نت
Application and those days Adham Sharqawi presents the book And Those Days Adham Sharqawi contains and those
And “Those Days” by writer Adham Sharqawi is considered a novel that tells the story of the life of a young Syrian immigrant to Germany. The novel deals with a group of social, political and psychological issues facing Arab youth in the homeland and in countries of asylum. The novel can be divided into 10 important points that summarize the main events, characters and topics that were discussed. in the book.
The novel “And Those Days” can be divided into 10 main points as follows: And Those Days Adham Sharqawi’s book
And those days, Adham Sharqawi
A book and those days
And those days
Writer Adham Al-Sharqawi
Adham Al-Sharqawi's book
Written by Adham Al-Sharqawi
Adham Al-Sharqawi wrote
Adham Al-Sharqawi Peace be upon you, my friend
The book of days
1. Introducing the main characters: An introduction to the main characters and the role of each of them in the novel. And those days, Adham Sharqawi
Book and those days by Adham Sharqawi pdf
And those days Adham Sharqawi pdf
Book and those days by Adham Sharqawi, Nour Library
And those days, Adham Sharqawi, Nour Library
2. Background of the story: A description of the social and historical context in which the story takes place. Download the book And Those Days by Adham Sharqawi pdf
And those days
A book and those days
beautiful days
Adham Al-Sharqawi, to reassure my heart
3. The Syrian young man’s journey: Details of the Syrian young man’s journey to Germany and the difficulties he faced during the trip.
4. Adaptation to work: The young man’s suffering in adapting to the new work environment.
5. Culture shock: The effect of cultural shock on a young person and how to adapt to it.
6. Human relations: The development of the young man’s human relations with the people he meets on his journey.
7. Asylum and integration: How a young man deals with the refugee situation and his attempt to integrate into a new society.
8. Identity and belonging: The young man’s search for his identity and place in the new society. The movie Those Days
Those days movie
Adham Nabulsi is love
Adham Al-Sharqawi wrote
Those days Adham Sharqawi pdf
Adham Al-Sharqawi Peace be upon you, my friend
Adham Al-Sharqawi
9. Psychological challenges: The psychological impact of the difficult circumstances that the young man faces during his journey.
10. Hope and optimism: A positive message or theme of hope and optimism at the end of the novel.
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