關於श्रीमद्भगवद् गीता हिंदी भावार्थ-BhagavadGita Hindi
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 印地語 - भगवद् गीता हिंदी
श्रीमद्भगवद् गीता हिंदी भावार्थ - BhagavadGita Hindi
Bhagavad-Gita in Hindi
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Hindi - भगवद् गीता हिंदी
भगवद् गीता (Bhagavad Gita): (श्रीमद् भगवत् गीता सार) :- पवित्र गीता जी के ज्ञान को उस समय बोला गया था जब महाभारत का युद्ध होने जा रहा था।
-- Complete Bhagavad Geeta.
-- Very simple Interface.
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-- All 700 Sanskrit Shlokas with Hindi translation and description
-- Fast and responsive user interface for Gita in Gujarati
-- App fully functional without internet.
Bhagavad Gita : - - The knowledge of Geeta ji was spoken at that time when the Mahabharata was going to war.
The Bhagavad Gita, also referred to as Gita, is a 700–verse Dharmic scripture that is part of the ancient Sanskrit epic Mahabharata.