關於星空凜 - Xperia Theme
Hoshizora Rin Theme is made for Xperia devices.
(Better compatibility with Lollipop 5.1 and above.)
鳴謝(Thanks to):
圖示(Icon):Kach Again
以及(And (of cource)):企劃作者(the project developers!!!)
歡迎前往酷安網,下載更多LoveLive! XPERIA專用主題。
You can find more LoveLive! XPERIA Themes on CoolAPK.
Xperia™ themes可真正實現Sony裝置的個人化。
Xperia™ theme is a new way to make your Sony Xperia™ device truly personal.
Download gorgeous and high quality themes developed uniquely for your Xperia™ smartphone.
Theme changes almost all assets and is very easy to use.
關鍵詞(Keywords):Hoshizora Rin 星空凛 ラブライブ! LoveLive! μ's