關於🍼 My Virtual Daycare
Run your virtual daycare. 👶 Engaging preschool pretend play. No purchases.
👸 Kiddo Queen approved fun for any age. No purchases - no kidding! No inappropriate ads! 🐝
-Now you can run your own virtual daycare.
-These adorable 3D infants need your love and care.
-Multicultural babies. Complete tasks to see new characters.
-Creative and engaging play in multiple games.
-Keep up with caring for your babies as their needs change.
-Multiple levels of each game.
-Creativity building games teach about caring for infants. Feeding, changing, bathing, taking care of boo boos, and don't forget play time!
-Stunning 3D graphics with so many choices for lots of play time.
-You pick your baby's clothes, toys, music and so much more.
-We block more ad groups for worry free play. No inappropriate ads for little eyes.