The size of the thumbnail image on the file selection screen can now be changed from the settings menu.
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 3DSteroid 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 3DSteroid 所有舊版本。下載 3DSteroid 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
The size of the thumbnail image on the file selection screen can now be changed from the settings menu.
The target API level was set to 34 to meet Google Play's target API level requirement.
Fixed problem with menus not displaying on some models
Addition of smart glasses support
Android 13 is now supported for continued public release.
With this change, the following specification changes have been made for Android 11 and later models.
1. files with 3D extension such as MPO files cannot be loaded.
2. the destination of photos and editing files is changed to the \Picture folder
3 Files other than those created by this app. cannot be deleted.
Added the ability to jump to the settings screen when access rights are not permitted when opening a file.
Android 13 is now supported for continued public release.
With this change, the following specification changes have been made for Android 11 and later models.
1. files with 3D extension such as MPO files cannot be loaded.
2. the destination of photos and editing files is changed to the \Picture folder
3 Files other than those created by this app. cannot be deleted.
Android 13 is now supported for continued public release.
With this change, the following specification changes have been made for Android 11 and later models.
1. files with 3D extension such as MPO files cannot be loaded.
2. the destination of photos and editing files is changed to the \Picture folder
3 Files other than those created by this app. cannot be deleted. (Please use a separate filer app. to delete files.)
Ver 4.02
Improvement in the problem of not being able to open images when sending images from other apps.
Ver 4.01
1. Fixed a crash problem when selecting "Send" on a Android 10 model .
2. Other minor bug fixes
Ver 4.00
Supports Android 10 and 64bit.
Along with this, the old Sharp / HTC / LG 3D LCDs are no longer supported. Do not install later versions on these models.
Ver 4.01
1. Fixed a crash problem when selecting "Send" on a Android 10 model .
2. Other minor bug fixes
Ver 4.00
Supports Android 10 and 64bit.
Along with this, the old Sharp / HTC / LG 3D LCDs are no longer supported. Do not install later versions on these models.
Major functional improvements
- UI changes
- Improvement of automatic adjustment accuracy (adjust image size)
- Add border option
Ver 4.00
Supports Android 10 and 64bit.
Along with this, the old Sharp / HTC / LG 3D LCDs are no longer supported. Do not install later versions on these models.
Major functional improvements
- UI changes
- Improvement of automatic adjustment accuracy (adjust image size)
- Add border option
Ver 3.41
Corrected for application crash problem when image size equal screen size.
Ver 3.40
1. Enabled 200% Zoom in 3DLCD mode.
2. Changed the loading image resolution(unchecked) from VGA to screen resolution,
and added ultra high resolution mode (200% of screen resolution) for zooming.
3. DOUBLE-TAP to "Fit" the image to the screen.
4. Bug-fix for SD card error in some modeles.
5. Enabled return button for closing app.
6. Added Touch focus temporaly (Depending devices)
1. Enabled 200% Zoom in 3DLCD mode.
2. Changed the loading image resolution(unchecked) from VGA to screen resolution,
and added ultra high resolution mode (200% of screen resolution) for zooming.
3. DOUBLE-TAP to "Fit" the image to the screen.
4. Bug-fix for SD card error in some modeles.
5. Enabled return button for closing app.
6. Added Touch focus temporaly (Depending devices)
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