The official mobile app for the municipality of Amchit. The application is designed to strengthen the communication between the municipality and the citizens in order to enable a sustainable development in the city of Amchit.
Main Menu:
-About the Municipality
-Photo gallery
-Explore Municipality
-Social media sharing
-Phone Directory
-Track Forms
-Suggestions & Complaints
-Track complaints
Key Features:
-Switch on/off Push Notification
-Add News and branding banners in main and sub-sections
-Call from app button
-Upload photo to report / complaints
-Arabic main language
-Sign Up and Edit profile
-Ability to change password
Download the Aamchit app and experience a new way to connect with Amchit Municipality wherever you are in Lebanon or abroad!
Description text color change to black with white background.
By clicking on each slider image will open in full screen view with feature to download specific image.