關於Adfile Job Management System
ADFILE lets you manage your whole business with one simple tool, from leads to quotes, time-sheets to invoicing.
Upload and manage geo tagged files, manage staff and tasks using our easy to use maps or job selector. Get instant updates on time and budgets for each task, job and user. Add sundries and materials to jobs and created purchase orders to your suppliers.
ADFILE Lead CRM gives you the ability to add and manage your sales opportunities. Unlike other CRM's, ADFILE's user friendly interface keeps it simple for your team to add and manage data, allowing them to focus on sales rather than data entry!
- Share leads with team members
- Set reminder dates
- Set GEO targeted locations
- Get APP reminders and email reminders
- Manage accounts
- Manage leads
- Manage histories
- Easily convert accounts and leads to clients
- Add quotes and see opportunity values
- Multiple sort options
- Multiple view options
ADFILE Quoting System has been developed with flexibility in mind, we understand that most businesses have unique quoting and estimating requirements.
- Customise material profit margins
- Import multiple supplier price lists
- Manage specifications
- Create and allocate tasks
- Quickly convert quotes to job
- Intergrated quoting to accounting packages
- Create great looking PDFs
- Add custom terms and conditions
- Add additional documents
Event bookings for small projects all the way to Gantt style charts for large projects - ADFILE has multiple ways for you to manage your task.
- Task sync from quotes
- Allocate multiple users to a task
- View tasks in your user dashboard
- Pull tasks from your user map
- Autogenerated gant chart
- Schedule tasks and operators
- Manage event calendars
ADFILE Timesheets offer seamless time-reporting, from the moment you start your day your time is being recorded right until the time you finish.
- Seamless time-reporting
- Adjustable interval times
- Staff reporting
- Client reporting
- Task management
- Task allocation
- Time clock reporting
- Client status updates
- Image management and storage
ADFILE has multiple ways to connect with your GPS device. From file uploading, and job specific locational settings, to assigning work position in the workmap.
- GPS tagged photos
- GPS tagged work records
- Work locations and work map
- Locate the team map
- Alerts to client when near location
ADFILE links purchase orders with quoting and material lists, you can create orders and ADFILE will automatically send separate emails to each supplier.
- Multi ordering capability
- Auto generated emails
- Auto spliting of supplier orders
- Easy to use forms
ADFILE gives you all the information you could ever need, from staff time clocks, to staff job tracking, client tracking to lead management and pipeline opportunities.
- Lead reporting
- Pipeline opportunities
- Staff reporting
- Profit and loss
- Quote vs actual
- Staff time clock
ADFILE recognise that invoicing a job is not a one size fits all so we have created several ways to invoice your work, from quotes to manual pricing, summary invoices to detailed work records.
- Invoice work records
- Invoice materials
- Sync from quotes
- Invoice sundry items
- Easily edit dollar fields
- Add manual pricing
- Manage tax fields and gst
- Export to PDF