* Refreshed design, using the latest Android visual styles now
* Improved external UCI engines support
* Fixed stability issues on Android 7
* Feel free to share your experience via the feedback!
* Various fixes and improvements
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 國際象棋:高級防禦 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 國際象棋:高級防禦 所有舊版本。下載 國際象棋:高級防禦 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
* Refreshed design, using the latest Android visual styles now
* Improved external UCI engines support
* Fixed stability issues on Android 7
* Feel free to share your experience via the feedback!
* Various fixes and improvements
* Added training mode based on Spaced Repetition - it combines erroneous exercises with new ones and presents the more suitable set of puzzles to solve.
* Added ability to launch tests on bookmarks.
* Added daily goal for puzzles - chose how many exercise you need to keep your skills in shape.
* Added daily streak - how many days in a row the daily goal is completed.
* Various fixes and improvements
* Added training mode based on Spaced Repetition - it combines erroneous exercises with new ones and presents the more suitable set of puzzles to solve.
* Added ability to launch tests on bookmarks.
* Added daily goal for puzzles - chose how many exercise you need to keep your skills in shape.
* Added daily streak - how many days in a row the daily goal is completed.
* Various fixes and improvements
* Added training mode based on Spaced Repetition - it combines erroneous exercises with new ones and presents the more suitable set of puzzles to solve.
* Added ability to launch tests on bookmarks.
* Added daily goal for puzzles - chose how many exercise you need to keep your skills in shape.
* Added daily streak - how many days in a row the daily goal is completed.
* Various fixes and improvements
* Redesigned app screens. You can set avatars now. Feel free to share your comments!
* Added new piece theme - "Kosal".
* Added colored King icon to indicate side to move in puzzles.
* Added popping up "Next" button after a puzzle.
* Improved lesson's exercises screen
* Improved tasks share option.
* Fixed dark screen in Practice on Android 11.
* Various fixes and improvements
* Added Japanese, Hungarian, Norwegian and Swedish
* Added notifications settings; select notifications you want to see in the Practice
* "Go" floating button on the home screen now opens the first new exercise
* Added Instagram share for puzzles
* Improved dark theme support, you can now use "Follow system" option to match your system theme
* Make statistics colors in the light theme more bright
* Copy full exercise PGN to the engine after solution
* Various fixes and improvements
* Added Help section in the Settings
* Ability to select several themes in test
* Various fixes and improvements
* Chess King app released! Now you can study all courses within one app! The app provides subscriptions to all courses.
* Added Arabic, Indonesian, Filipino and Vietnamese translations
* Added night mode
* Added option to disable popup ads for 1 hour
* Added "Make current move" button in engine analysis mode
* Theory exercises are now marked as read after 3 seconds
* Fixed display issue on Android 8 in landscape mode
* Improved engine mode
* Various fixes and improvements
* Chess King app released! Now you can study all courses within one app! Download new Chess King app from Google Play! All statistics and purchases can be transfered to the new app using Chess King account linking.
* Showing hint arrows when trying to make impossible move (useful in case of checkmate)
* Showing pieces balance panel in practice (scroll navigation panel with arrows to view)
* Various fixes and improvements
* Invert board option is replaced by on-board gesture
* Added "Auto next" option - automatically switch to the next exercise
* Added UCI engine support
* Added ability to navigate through lesson using swipe gestures on notation
* Added chess symbols convention
* Added "Copy PGN" option
* Added "Clear statistics" option
* Improved current theme and subtheme storing
* Improved test mode
* Various fixes and improvements
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