關於Adventure of super spirit running stable horse
Once upon a time there was a dark era known as the pirates era. it was truly the age of pirates, while the stable horse cimarron was still just a child when a few pirates landed on his luckys village he run into them at the town square, the star horse ask them if they were here to attack and steal from the village, the captain stepped up and answered him “our goal is in the undiscovred islands and the bottoms of the oceans not here, what’s your name kid?” the star horse “my name is cimarron sir” ,the captain smelled and admired the starstable horse for her initiative and for not being scared because most stable horses have to be if they were at his position , “you are a super spirit stable horse” the stable horse responded “nice of you to say sir” the captain laughed after hearing that “you have a good sense of humour, listen cimaron, the glory the victory isn’t what matter, what is important is having the power to protect what you care about the most”. the pirates kept walking living the stallion horse cimarron just standing there trying to understand what the captain told him.
Exploring the outside world is what the stallion horse has been dreaming of since she met that captain and becoming one of his great captain of it’s own ship.
It all started whenthe stable horse's brother told him about the outside world plus the gold and the diamonds that the sea contained.
Back at the spyrit racer village where the starstable horse grow up, the place was beautiful it has high trees and full with plants.
So one day the haven horse cimaron went on an adventure to discover and explore the vast sea with all it’s secrets and treasures. the stable horse want to achieve what no one else could have which is finding the ultimate treasure. In order to do. so, the stallion horse cimarrone has to fight other pirates, magical creatures of the sea, and dodge waves and tsunamis.
Player your mission is to help and guide the super spirit stable horse to get to his goal by doing the incoming attacks and obstacles, one of the important things the stallion horse cimarone has to do is collecting gold and coins. so player are you ready play this horseshoes game, and make cimarrone horse's dreams a reality?