Added Units:
Sky Warrior Wyrm
Added Units:
Medical Truck
Imperial Alca Aux
Imperial Alca Ala
Imperial Horseman
Imperial Wrecker
Warmo Strikers:
War Scouts:
many many other changes, see version log.
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Added Units:
Sky Warrior Wyrm
Added Units:
Medical Truck
Imperial Alca Aux
Imperial Alca Ala
Imperial Horseman
Imperial Wrecker
Warmo Strikers:
War Scouts:
many many other changes, see version log.
+ Stimpack fix
New Units:
Strana Sharpshooter
Type 2B 108mm Field Howitzer
Artillery Battery
Splatter Guhn
Artillery Turret
Great Snalagoon
Storm Dragon
Pigmy Operated Rocket
Warstrum Red Comet
Kuhai Reef Hunter
Kuhai Jawson
Ogre War Knight
Barrage Trukk
High Cult Ordeacon
Fallen Gas Balloon (Smoke)
... and many more (check in version log)
Change:Sasha Attack Sound Is Change.
Change:Air Carrier is now Trainable.
Change:Siege tank breaches now instead of break
New Units:
Strana Sharpshooter
Type 2B 108mm Field Howitzer
Artillery Battery
Splatter Guhn
Artillery Turret
Great Snalagoon
Storm Dragon
Pigmy Operated Rocket
Warstrum Red Comet
Kuhai Reef Hunter
Kuhai Jawson
Ogre War Knight
Barrage Trukk
High Cult Ordeacon
Fallen Gas Balloon (Smoke)
Fallen Gas Balloon (Acid)
... and many more (check in version log)
Change:Sasha Attack Sound Is Change.
Change:Air Carrier is now Trainable.
Change:Siege tank breaches now instead of break
Most Libertia Payloads have received a unique image for their abilities.
Libertia Thunderstruck has their attack range reduced to single tile.
Summon Warg Has been reduced to single Tiles.
Siege Tank has been added To Strana.
The Sasha has been added to Strana.
The Org has received a nerf, losing their devouring ability as well as damage to both large and building categories. But instead, focusing on Infantry and Machinery. Slight increase in damage.
New Units:
Libertia Skyhawk
Libertia Liberty Screecher
Libertia Flying Bastion
Libertia Thunderstruck
Libertia Skybound
Libertia Skybound Landed
Large Cat
Amelia Raven
Amelia Raven
Chem Grenadines
Plague Spiders
New campaign maps: in FAN maps (6)
New random maps: Mine Town 15x15,Marsh Fields 15x30,Equinox 20x20,Trashland 15x15, Frozen lands 50x50
New campaign: Adventurers
New Units:
Imperial Red Riot
Pigskin Cultist
Imperial Red Riot
Myrmidon Speeder, Knights, Sergeant, Medic, Sentries, Footmen, Silencers, Hammers, Rocketeers
Imperial Cadets
Libertia Voltage Suits
Strana Combat Medics
Steel Legion
Libertia Ammo Truck
Swine Hunters
Battle Ram
Strana Motorbike
Strana Champion
Libertia Volt Enforcer
Bronze Rifleman
Libertia Minuteman
New AI difficulties:Expert and Deadly
New random maps:Desert Sands 30x30
many more, see version log.
New campaign:Controlia
New random maps:Winter Meteors 50x50
New maps:FAN maps section (1)
Change:Speeded up game launch by reducing effects loading time
Fix:Effects staying on units are handled properly when re-applying/casting same effect
Fix:You can no more enter into ally carriers (in those special cases you were able)
Fix:On statsheet some excess commas are now removed
New Units: Catlug Corrupted
Colossus Turret
Orgak Colossus
Kelpie Rider
Kelpie Huntress
Alca Rangers
War Zeppelin
Swine Shielders
Devon & Alice
Strana Ice Cruiser
Zed Regenerator
Zed Regenerator
Scrapbot Killer
Libertia Vindicators
Libertia Vindicators
Strum Wrenchmen
Strana Flagbearer
Holy Paladins
Glacial Atomizer
The Mourner
And many many many other changes, see version log.
New maps: in FAN maps section (1 maps)
New camapign maps: in Tale of Kluzia
New random maps:Rising Tide 50x50,Earth Conquest 50x50
Change on Android:Notification option now available on Android 13+ versions
Fixes:Crash fixed on Gatling battery
Fixes:Crash fixed on Nefilim Sand Temple
New maps: in Turotials (1 map), in Scenario maps section (5 maps), in FAN maps section (3 maps)
New units:
Lesser Stone Guards
Wright Ironfist
Wright Smith
Alca Forest Patrol
Support Harpies
Swine Cannibals
Pygmy Blunderblasters
Pygmy Gladiators
Cult Warhammer
Cult Wordbearer
Big Zed
Zed Banshee
and many many other changes, see version log
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