AIGO is an Android application used to record board games.
AIGO is an Android application used to record board games. It has multiple functionalities: Clock, Game-Recorder, Game-Viewer.
For a simple clock it is enough one mobile (phone, tablet) set as AIGO-Timer and no wireless.
To get full benefit of the application you need two Android terminals: one set as AIGO-Timer and the other as AIGO-Camera. Install the application on both terminals and place the AIGO-Camera mobile in a suitable place from where it can capture the image of the board. Set the wireless on on both terminals.
AIGO-Timer has the functionality of an usual game-clock, but in the background it does other operations too:
- transfers pictures captured by AIGO-Camera
- crops, transforms and save it in the folder of the game
- displays the image in the middle of the clock
- at the end of the game transfers the folder of the game to the other mobile
- https://www.facebook.com/AIGO-1047206208647085
- http://mmgo.trei.ro/