關於AJMods MCPE Mod
This mod adds a modified menu to the game, which is used to add many unknown functions to Minecraft Pocket Edition. Some of them include the ability to pause the game, climb high walls, walk on water and lava, and many other options.
It’s a really fun mod to play around with and offers many things which probably should be considered cheats. But as long it’s done in your own singleplayer worlds there’s really no unfair advantages to other players.
Main Features
Pause game
Climb walls
Walk on liquid (water & lava)
Super speed
No fall damage
Infinite health/hunger
Never night
Music player
And much more!
Let’s have a look at some of what we consider to be the best (or funniest) features of the mod.
To open the modded menu press the button in the top right corner of the screen (while in-game).
Swimming isn’t necessarily something fun to do but sometimes it’s required to get from one point to another. However, if you enable the Walk on liquid feature you will be able to walk on water just like Jesus, if you believe in all that.
Let’s say you are attacking an enemy base but when you get closer you realize there is a large wall surrounding the base. Normally, you’d have to go get some TNT to destroy the wall but if you’ve got this mod you can simply switch on the Wall climbing feature to easily ascend over the wall.
It’s night and you are out all alone exploring. Suddenly you hear quick footsteps coming closer, but you can’t see anything because it’s too dark! Boom, dead. Ever experienced that? I know I have, and usually I just need some extra time to think through the situation. This is when you can enable the Pause or Slow motion option.
And oh yes, that’s a health indicator. It can be enabled (or disabled) in the modded menu.
Another feature which I thoroughly enjoy is Upside Down Screen. I challenge everyone to survive one night on the max difficulty with this option enabled!
Some of the features are just too weird, but fun in their own way. For example, you can shapeshift into a walking camera. It is also possible to spawn an alien and a growing star.
There are loads of other cool features included in this mod and even if I am personally not in love with the GUI (graphical user interface) the actual features are very fun, useful and unique!
**** Please Note ****
You also have BlockLauncher for install mod and skin for minecraft Pe
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with http://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelines