關於Al Quran Video Translation
Al Quran Translation With Bangla , Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, English
The Holy Quran is divided into 114 chapters and each chapter has separate verses. Chapters (called suras in Arabic) vary in length, some consisting of a few lines and others running for many pages. The text of the Holy Quran has remained unchanged for the past 1500 years. At present, there are millions of copies of the Quran circulating in the world, all of which are of the same type. And this is not strange since Allah says in the Holy Quran that He Himself will guard this book. We Create this App for lessening Quran and Watching scenarios.
Al Quran Video Translation is Famous for all humans Kind.
To Muslims, the Qur'an is the word of God and contains complete guidance for mankind. Much of the Qur'an is about God, His attributes, and man's relationship with Him. But it contains guidance for its followers, historical accounts of certain prophets and people, arguments for accepting Muhammad as the true prophet, and good news for believers and warnings for unbelievers.