關於Alarm.com at ISC West 2018
ISC West attendees can enter to win great prizes from Alarm.com!
The Interactive Raffle app, powered by Alarm.com, allows attendees of the 2018 ISC West Conference in Las Vegas to submit code words from the Alarm.com team for submissions to our interactive raffle!
NOTE: You must be present at the 2018 ISC West Conference in Las Vegas to be eligible for Raffle prizes.
Collect code words from the Alarm.com team to win!
-We’re drawing winners every hour between 11 am and 4 pm PT Wednesday and Thursday and 11 am to 1 pm PT on Friday. During each drawing period, one winner will be selected as a winner to select a prize!
-Enter more code words to increase your chances of winning
-See someone in a bright orange Alarm.com polo? Start a conversation and ask them for a code word! You can find us at Booth 23015, Titian 2302, and at our partner booths
-We’ll email winners as they’re drawn to come and claim their prize
You can also see our schedule of events, our partner locations, and live updates
Good Luck!
FULL RULES CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://goo.gl/bazB8V
Disclaimer: The Interactive Raffle, powered by Alarm.com, is not sponsored by and does not have any association with Google.