關於Algebra Practice - Mathilda
Looking for Algebra Practice Problems?
You've come to the right place. Mathilda - Algebra Practice is a collection of Algebra 1 problems you can solve on your phone using drag and drop algebra.
Drag and Drop Algebra?
Mathilda - Algebra Practice let's you solve problems by dragging terms around and telling it what to add, subtract, etc. Mathilda handles all the details and checks your work so that you can focus on the problem. It’s math without the busy work and frustrating mistakes.
Topics we Cover
- One Step Problems
- Two Step Problems
- Multi Step Problems
- Proportions Problems
- Word Problems
- Rational Problems
- Equations with Two Variables
- Using the Quadratic Formula
How we Make Money
We want to offer a high quality experience to as many people as possible so Mathilda - Algebra Practice is free and does not display ads. If there is demand for more problems/topics we might make a pro-version and charge a few bucks for it someday.