關於All Christian Songs
Christian Songs Book App is developed by PASTOR RAVI SAMA, WWW.RAVISAMA.COM.
It has Songs from different languages (Telugu,Hindi,English,Tamil,Malayan,Gujarati,Kannada, etc.).
It contains christian songs lyrics to sing anywhere easily. You can use it offline also. First time you need internet. We added many songs from old songs to new till today. Some missing songs are also adding.
We need some help from you. Send us your favorite typed lyrics or send a photograph which was taken from at least 8 megapixel camera or mobile with good lighting.
This app is completely free. Even though Still you can send your offerings for our ministry or to support us.
For Prayer Requests Contact Us At :
[email protected] , Mobile No. +91 8008078278.
Follow Us At :
Youtube : Youtube.com/PastorRaviSama
Facebook : Facebook.com/PastorRaviSama
Twitter : Twitter.com/PastorRaviSama
Thanks From
Pastor Ravi Sama
*Many New Songs
*Easy Access
*Reduced Data space
*Daily Verse