關於AMTS Info
We've built the AMTS Info website, and this app is an extension to it. For more information, do visit the website - http://amtsinfo.in
Nearby Bus Stops
Shows you nearby bus-stops that you can walk-up to. If you have set a destination (Settings > Destination) it also indicates Bus Stops that have routes upto your destination.
Search any Bus Stop or Route.
Route Finder
Find routes matching your start/destination stops.
Report incorrect information and provide feedback. This helps us keep the information updated.
Your Privacy
This app uses location data to provide you relevant information. We DO NOT store this information in any form.
Kindly note that AMTS Info is NOT affiliated to AMTS. We are providing this information voluntarily for the benefit of AMTS user. Information provided here may not be accurate
If you have any comments / suggestions / complaints please write to us at [email protected] or visit the website.
- Report incorrect information about Stops / Routes
- Showing indicators on Nearby bus-stops that have routes upto your destination
- Routes have an indicator if it includes your destination
- Routes also indicate stops between start and destination (as per Finder)