We brought vaccines to the game by creating a new booster system that will make defeating enemies easier!
The update also includes bug fixes and UI improvements.
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Antidote 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Antidote 所有舊版本。下載 Antidote 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
We brought vaccines to the game by creating a new booster system that will make defeating enemies easier!
The update also includes bug fixes and UI improvements.
- Added Hepatitis A virus as a new enemy
- Changed enemy names to match the diseases they represent
- Updated enemy descriptions in encyclopaedia with more information on their properties in game and on the diseases in reality
- Added several new levels throughout the game
- Reordered few levels to introduce viruses earlier
- Added an awesome comic introduction to the game!
- Enhanced levels for better user experience on wider screens
- New level select screen!
- New graphics for encyclopedia
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
24 October
- More new levels added in the midgame! Please let us know if you find any mroe difficulty walls 🤺
- Level graphics update 🎨
- A bunch of small fixes 🐛 and improvements to UIs ✨
- Protein is clearer and more useful. But for a little longer... it's still #VaccineTime, and lives will regenerate 7x faster. Why? Because now's a great time to ask your doctor about getting your yearly flu vaccine, especially if you're in a risk group. 💉😁
20 September
- For a limited time lives will regenerate 7x faster. Why? Because it's literally vaccine time! Now's a great time to ask your doctor about getting your yearly flu vaccine, especially if you're in a risk group. 💉😁
- Super hard levels have been made significantly less hard, including level 2. 🙏
- Minor bug fixes 🐛
21 August
- We have added new levels to the beginning of the game! 🎂
- We have added new levels to the beginning of the game! 🎂
- Minor bug fixes
25 May
- Privacy/data policy updated
- Unity analytics opt-out added
- Faster level switching
- Bug fixes and improvements
20 April
- Fixes flickering/missing upgrade UI on certain phones
16 March
Major changes:
- You now have infinite white cells. Go get 'em!
- Level 2 has been updated
- The lab has extra va-va-voom
Minor changes:
- New snot factory
- Better looking friendly cells
- Better looking enemies
- New encyclopedia guides, tips and info
- Virus factory fixes
- Performance improvements
- Bugfixes
16 March
Major changes:
- You now have infinite white cells. Go get 'em!
- Level 2 has been updated
- The lab has extra va-va-voom
Minor changes:
- New snot factory
- Better looking friendly cells
- Better looking enemies
- New encyclopedia guides, tips and info
- Virus factory fixes
- Performance improvements
- Bugfixes
It's vaccine time!
Join us on an adventure under the microscope, and let's find out what we can do about all those bacteria and viruses! Use your natural defenses, vaccines and antibiotics to crush the opposition and protect the stem cell!
07 Dec
A horde of Sleepyhead fixes. This should fix most bugs with sleepyhead - both good bugs and bad bugs!
Fixed some errors in our translation and hiccups in naming the units.
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