關於AP Vidyut PRAVAH
“AP Vidyut PRAVAH”知道,從任何地方你的電源位置
Govt. of India has developed ‘Vidyut PRAVAH’ mobile application for providing the details of power availability in the country on real time basis.The mobile application is empowering the Common People to demand 24x7 power from the States.
In line with the 'Vidyut PRAVAH, AP Discoms have developed 'AP Vidyut Pravah' mobile application as per the instructions of the Government of A.P. which will take transparency to the next level and make the power utilities more accountable.
This app will showcase the commitment of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh towards good governance.The AP Vidyut Pravah mobile application provides real time power supply position data and comparison with previous day data. Data from multiple sources, including the State Load Dispatch Centre and 33/11 KV Sub-stations, has been made available through a single portal for convenience of all.
A user friendly interface, based on the Geographical map of Andhra Pradesh, facilitates all the consumers /stakeholders in visualization of the power availability and power supply position at DISCOM/ District/ Town/ Village/ Service Connection level.
The information disseminated through the Application will empower the consumer, thereby leading all the stakeholders to be more responsive and efficient, bringing more economy to the State.
The main features of this application are:
a) Can Know
1. The power supply position State-wise, Discom-wise, District-wise, Town-wise, Mandal-wise,
Village-wise and Service-wise.
2. Demand vs Supply gap in the State as well as in the DISCOMs.
3. Different performance indices such as T&D losses, AT& C losses, SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI etc. from
Discom to Service level.
b) Can view the details of the interruptions of power supply occurred to any specific town/ village for current day
as well as previous day.