關於APK SEND BLUETOOTH - App share (app sender)
APK SEND藍牙 - 應用程序共享(應用程序發送者),這是很好的Play商店APK。
Need to impart your shareit transfer & shares to bluetooth sender ? shareit transfer & Share makes it simple to share shareit transfer & share joins and apks with your bluetooth sender by Email,Blue tooth,Face book,Drop box,Google Drive and so forth.
On the off chance that you are at a place where you don't have telephone organize association there you can without much of a stretch exchange your shareit transfer & shares to your bluetooth sender.
Send your bluetooth sender specifically shareit transfer & share establishment record (APK) and connection to the shareit transfer & share's page on the play store Market. Utilizing this shareit transfer & share you can share various shareit transfer & share at once.
This is an extraordinary approach to get bluetooth sender with new android advanced mobile phones began or rapidly inform bluetooth sender concerning your shareit transfer & shares.
Offer Apps demonstrate your shareit transfer & shares with a rundown, you can get an establishment bundle straightforwardly from your memory and send it to your bluetooth sender as a connection.
---- > Sharing one or numerous shareit transfer & shares
---- > Move to SD Card
---- > Backup shareit transfer & share to your SD card straightforwardly
---- > Open shareit transfer & share
---- > Uninstall shareit transfer & share
---- > Direct connection of utilization in Play store
do not forget to share your app with your friends, thanks to all