關於Arduino Bluetooth HC05 Controller
Monitor your data(Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, HC-SR04, PIR Sensor, etc.). Remote your devices(Robotic arm, RC car, servo motor, dc motor, drone, etc)
A sample application and a quick tutorial are in my Github repository. Check it out!
-> STM32F407 was used for testing scenario
-> Embedded software works as an echo service
-> Gamepad screen in the app can be used to change LEDs on the discovery board
-> A simple project will be added for Arduino too(Echo service!)
-> A simple project has been added for PIC16F877A
("Monitoring the Analog value(potentiometer) via UART")
Following below will be added soon:
-> Save your received data to your local
-> Customize your terminal screen
-> Customize your gamepad screen
-> Search for new devices
-> Hex mode
I also actively use wireless communication systems on my personal projects. I am having to enjoy developing this app. Please contact me at koral.mehmet45@gmail.com, If you have any suggestion or comment.