關於Armor of God LCNZ Bible Quiz Game
Armor of God LCNZ Bible Quiz Game
One of the bibles popular scripts is known as the Armor of God, how well do you know the bible verses it contains?
What is your experience with the Armor of God?
How often do you apply it?
This game app is designed to help you test your knowledge so you know what you need to learn about those vital scripts and to help you go deeper into the meaning behind them.
As Christians we are encouraged to put on the Armor of God every day, do you understand why?
Putting on the Armor of God which is designed to help us fight Satan.
From Genesis to Revelation, in the bibles pages it reveals there are both physical and spiritual wars raging in the world, even if we are not fighting a physical battle we are surrounded in this world by spiritual warfare.
This is the perfect game to use to test how well you know and how much you know about the Armor of God.
Remember to put on your Armor every day.