關於Atlas of the Islamic Conquests
Atlas of the Islamic Conquests From the Caliphate of Abu Bakr رضی الله عنه to the Height of the Ottoman Caliphate. From Central Asia to Morocco, Spain and Central Europe. History is a mirror of the past days and nights of nations and communities. So a stark necessity arises to acquaint new generation of Muslim Ummah with great intellectual and political leaders and renowned personalities along with such men of achievements and valiant heroes who defeated false forces in the battle fields in order to propagate the true religion in those lands where darkness and ignorance prevailed.
Atlas of the Islamic Conquests has been prepared in view of the same lofty aim. In it are events of consecutive days, months & years of major Islamic Conquests, have been described, with full color maps and unique snaps, in such a manner that the reader goes along with them and comes across wonderful historical happenings and secrets of History are disclosed.
history of islam