關於ATN Catalog
ATN Catalog helps you to choose the device according to the type,price,usability
With this ATN Device Catalog 2015 you can easily find yourself a night vision device precisely for your needs. The app helps you to choose the device according to the type, price range or usability in just a couple of steps.
One click installation application.
1. Install the ATN Catalog application
2. Run the app
3. Please, wait about few minutes while app downloading file
4. After download is done, app will unzip the archive file, please wait a few minutes
5. When archive is successfully unzipped, the app is reading a database of catalog, please wait about 1.30 to 10 minutes, it depends on your device hardware speed. ONLY FIRST READING OF CATALOG TAKE A LONG TIME.
Ready for famous android models: Galaxy Tab2 10", Nexus 7 tablets.
HTC One (full HD resolution), Samsung Galaxy S3, Nexus 4 and others.
Now supports : HTC Desire 600 (dual sim), Nexus S, Nexus One and other more than 10 devices.