To controls the screen and wireless LAN and Bluetooth turned on and off.
**(Android 2.3 & 3.x)Please restart control service After you change the screen lock option of security settings.
**(Android 6.0) If you use a Bluetooth LE. Please turn on the location information in the Settings->Location.
Controls the following.
(1) (Except Android4.2)When the screen lights up, it is connected to a trusted device, or when it has detected the Bluetooth low energy tag is to bypass the key guard.
However, it is necessary release the key guard of only manually first once if you have connected a truested device when the screen turns off.
(2) On and off the screen in the proximity sensor
① Turn on the screen when sensor is not sense the proximity when screen is off. (for example, if your phone were out of the pocket)
② Lock the screen when sensor is sense the proximity beyond the specified time.
(3) Turn on the wireless LAN and Bluetooth when screen was unlocked.
(4) To turn off the wireless LAN, if does not connect to the access point within a specified time.
(5) To turn off the Bluetooth, if does not connect to the device within a specified time.
(6) Turn off the wireless LAN and Bluetooth, When exceeds the time the screen lock is specified.
(7) To vibrate the terminal in the notification from the Bluetooth Low Energy tag, or you can sound the alarm.(Stop by pressing the power button or volume keys)
(8) If the Bluetooth Low Energy tag corresponds You can play tag of alarm.
For more information https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B77t0XpnNT7OfkFQQWtTM1BObnVnb0JUSjJMbTJzQTllcmxLMG9MOEdNQXZwVWJSc3JwQjA&usp=sharing
**Check on the following machine.
-Sony Xperia Acro (SO-02C Android 2.3.4)
-Sony Xperia ZR(SO-04E Android 5.1.1)
-Sony Xperia Z3(SO-01G Android 5.0.2)
-Google Nexus7-2012(Andorid 5.1, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1)
-Google Nexus9(Android 6.0.1)
-Bluetooth Low Energy Tag Buffalo BSHSBTPT01BK
-It was to display the error message without killed in the log file display.
2016-05-24 Ver1.42
-It was to display a message prompting you to restart the terminal when you delete the application password in Android 5.0.
-Location in the Android 6.0 has to display that can not be BLE scan If it is not enabled.
2016-02-01 Ver1.41
-Resolve the forced termination bugs.