關於Ban Russia
禁止俄羅斯! - 通過掃描條形碼而不是購買他們的產品
Ban Russia! This app is not just another barcode scanner. The app shows you the origin of almost every product by scanning barcodes, without internet access or privacy violations. But in addition, it warns you against buying Russian products!
Yes, you can boycott Russian goods by scanning barcodes. All you have to do is point the app at the barcode. If you see a flashing red warning - it means that either a Russian (or Belarusian) product is in your hands, and it is up to you to decide what to do next. You can put the product back on the shelf, thus refusing to support Russian aggression against Ukraine. Really, you can do that, because you do not want to share the responsibility for the death and destruction that Putin's army brings to it's peaceful neighbor.
If you stumble upon Russian crap, please look around - the shelf is full of alternatives. Thank you!