關於Bangla Calendar - বর্ষপঞ্জী
孟加拉日曆 - “বর্ষপঞ্জী” - 一個優雅的孟加拉語日曆
Bangla Calendar - "বর্ষপঞ্জী" keeps track of dates correctly. Bangla Calendar - "বর্ষপঞ্জী" provides nice relevant pictures for different months. You can find the equivalent Gregorian Calendar dates just by tapping on Bengali dates. It also provides nice widgets for home and lock screen. To get the widget just drag it from widget list. Bangla Calendar - "বর্ষপঞ্জী" is fully supported on smartphones with Unicode support. Bangla Calendar - "বর্ষপঞ্জী" is based on revised system of Bengali calendar adopted by Bangla Academy in 1966. So there is bit difference with the non-revised system. Bangla Calendar - "বর্ষপঞ্জী" includes a precise date converter from Bangla date to Gregorian date and vice-versa. Bangla Calendar - "বর্ষপঞ্জী" also provides yearly holidays and observances according to Bangladesh system.
We welcome your thoughtful opinion about Bangla Calendar - "বর্ষপঞ্জী". Let spread the glory of Bengali six seasons everywhere.
- Fixed minor bugs