關於Battery Extender +
## Features: ##
1. Manual Power Options
2. Saver Recommendations (Optimize & Memory consumption apps)
Task Killer Feature:
1. Display all the running apps with detailed memory, icon, update time, size
2. Kill the running task for power optimization and memory consumption
3. Working as Memory Booster
App Settings:
1. Notification Status with charging Percentages
2. Start App on Charging
Types of Mode :
1. Saving Mode: (Suggested to use in lowest Battery Status)
Brightness set to 10%
In Activate WiFi of the Device
Stand By time set to 15 seconds
2. Sleep Mode: (Suggested to use when you sleep)
Turn Off Call & SMS and turn ON the Flight Mode
Vibrations Off
Sound Off and mute the device.
Brightness set to 10%
3. Customized Mode
Easily customize all the modes depend on your usage to save Battery as much as you need.
Can adjust the battery saving setting freely depend on your need and usage.
Can adjust WiFi, Bluetooth, vibration, sound, device brightness, synchronization and stand by time.