關於Beer Alcohol Lock
啤酒 - 最流行和非常古老的飲料
Beer Alcohol Lock
Beer - the most popular and very ancient drink. Beer is characterized by a specific aroma and bitterness that gives it hops. The history of its creation began about 80 centuries ago. More information in Appendix beer alcohol. Download the app and get a mega cool pictures on the screen of your smartphone! Dilysya app info with a friend!
Beer - alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation. The third drink popular in the world after water and tea. Beer is characterized by a specific aroma and bitterness that gives it hops, as well as the ability to foam. The production process of beer is called brewing or brewing.
In the old Germanic language of beer was called «peor», «bior», «pier». It is believed that the name comes from serednolatynskoho «biber» - drink. Modern German name of beer - «bier», English - «beer», French - «bière».
In the name of the Slavic peoples of beer is the same. Earlier the word meant not only beer to drink at all, and drink often and drink a lot. The word "beer" and "drink" consonant in the Slavic languages and are written as "beer" - Ukrainian "beer" - Russian, "piwo" - in Polish, "pivo" - in Czech, "beer" - Serbo-Croatian, "piva" - Belarusian, "pivo" - Slovak. Only Bulgarian - "Bira", but the brewer, brewing and malting and Bulgarian respectively - brewer, brewery and Brewery. The ancient chronicles Gauls, Britons and Scandinavians also mention the beer.