關於Bharat ka bhugol for UPSC IAS
Bhoogol (Geography) book of India in Hindi for UPSC and banking exams.
If you are preparing for Indian competitive exams such as civil exams, railway board exams, banking
exams and other governmental exams. Today, government offers the assured future in today’s
competitive and considerable risky world.
This app offers the basic and advanced concepts of Indian Geography and political science. You will
get the following topics:-
Indian Geography
Seasons of India
Classification of India in geographical manner
Indian Mountains
Indian Rivers
The forests of India
National Parks and Sanctuary
Bio Diversity
Indian animals and Birds
National Highways
The pen-name of cities
Geography questions
Facts of Indian bhugol
This app is helpful in UPSC, MPSC, UPPSC, PPSC, TPSC, GPSC, KPSC and MPSC for the posts of IAS, IPS,
IFS and IRS. Moreover, exams like SBI-PO and IBPS’s syllabus is also covered in this app.