We are at the forefront of the revolution, with each day passing the world is adapting with new tools and means.
One of the many changes in today's time is E-Learning. It has proven to be an effective platform when it comes to overruling the orthodox teaching
& learning methods. We have made sure to keep up with this new normal through bielearn.
With bielearn, we provide a secure and robust medium for e-learning. A Mobile application available on Android & iOS platform
also an app management console to manage tons of internal activities.
Features of biElearn:
1. A Mobile Application
a. Role-based access to Teachers, Students & Admin
b. Without a hassle of content privacy, stream lectures on a secure platform.
c. Teacher-Student Community to discuss topics.
d. Scheduling Assignments.
e. Personalized Notifications and announcements.
2. Management Console
a. Manage Institute remotely.
b. Secure Video & Files Storage.
c. Storage Analytics.
d. Payment History & Status.
e. Student, Teacher Management.
Join us, and give your institution an e-learning platform.
- Minor bug fixes