“Big Buy” is a concept, an idea or thought and a great opportunity by which the valuable, profitable, precious, significant, costly, good and big prime Real Estate, Land and Property can be purchased at the reasonable, negotiable, lesser and profitable price in India, in the United States Of America, Canada, England, Australia, Europe, UAE, Singapore and worldwide if a person, firm, company, individual, society, trust and any other legal entity who join, register and become a “Buyer” of big buy as per big buy terms and conditions. This concept, idea or thought, aims, objects and purposes can be called “together buying”, “group buying” and “big buy” which shall be done by registration as “Buyer” of big buy which is being provided “free” and“without any fee or subscription”. For these personal, individual and private buying’s in group, limited personal and private registrations as the “Buyer” or “Buyers” of big buy are being invited worldwide as per big buy terms and conditions which shall remain valid and continued as till 31st December 2036 as per big buy terms and conditions. You can also read various benefits of joining as a “Buyer” for buying the Real Estate, Land and Property under big buy concept or idea, as stated in the big buy Android and IOs Apps or in the website www.bigbuyforyou.com .