關於Bird Repellent Sound Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
驅鳥聲音超聲波驅鼠器 - 不要讓鳥打擾你
Bird Repellent Sound Ultrasonic Pest Repeller simulator is a free app which pretends to run away birds and rodents.
Also cockroaches, mosquitoes, mice or something like that can be seen almost everywhere. They are disgusting especially for children. Because mosquitoes transmit malaria, rats may carry the virus and cockroaches spread bacteria.They are dangerous sometimes! For the sake of your and your family's health, you need this Bird Repellent Sound Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Simulator, and create a clean and healthy living environment for them.
Bird Repellent Sound Ultrasonic Pest Repeller is a professional application which used to make Mice, Rats away from you or your house. Anti Rat Repeller is such a nice app. Anti Rat Repeller uses high frequency sounds in this app. Which can hearing sense of human ears. Bird Repellent Sound Ultrasonic Pest Repeller is entertainment purpose to make your friends fool . This app works like Anti rats.
This Bird Repellent Sound Ultrasonic Pest Repeller has only one function.
Repels the birds with annoying ultrasound.
Interpolate these sounds randomly along with that of a bird predator.
* Do not let the birds bother you. Use this repellent, scarecrow.
The purpose of this Bird Repellent Sound Ultrasonic Pest Repeller is very simple -to make birds fly away from you!
Anti bird repeller is the best Repeller,Anti birds is such a nice and easy bird repellent!