關於Blind Test
Test your skills in answering test colorblind
Color Blind Test is an application that has a concept test to test the eyes' ability to recognize colors. This test is commonly called the Ishihara test, according to the name of the inventor is Dr.Shinobu Ishihara. Ishihara tests that are color blind test aims to test whether someone has a color-blind eye problem or not. Usually the Ishihara test will be tested to the participants when medical check-up, when you are applying for in a company, you are usually required to Ishihara test when medical check-up, it aims to find out if you are color blind or not.
The test consists of a number of colored plates, called Ishihara plates, each of which contains a circle of dots appearing randomized in color and size. Within the pattern are dots which form a number or shape clearly visible to those with normal color vision, and invisible, or difficult to see, to those with a red-green color vision defect, or the other way around. The full test consists of 38 plates, but the existence of a deficiency is usually clear after a few plates. There is also the smaller test consisting only 24 plates.
The plates make up several different test designs:
- Transformation plates: individuals with color vision defect should see a different figure from individuals with normal color vision.
- Vanishing plates: only individuals with normal color vision could recognize the figure.
- Hidden digit plates: only individuals with color vision defect could recognize the figure.
- Diagnostic plates: intended to determine the type of color vision defect (protanopia or deuteranopia) and the severity of it.
- Presented in the form of such a game, there is the Ishihara plate images and you are required to choose one of the answers that have been provided
- Useful for those who will conduct medical check-up
- Application is offline
- Application is Free
Hopefully with the presence of Color Blind Test application / Ishihara test could be useful for all of you who need, Thank you.