BRENU 性與生殖健康
BRENU (Building Resilience to Enhance Food and Nutrition Security, Incomes and Health in Northern Uganda) is a project under Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) which is a government of Uganda(GoU) program supported by the European Union and supervised by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM). It seeks to enhance food and nutrition security, increase household incomes and improve maternal and child nutrition and health in Northern Uganda.
It is implemented in 7 districts (Apac, Amolatar, Kwania, Dokolo, Otuke, Kapelebyong and Amuria) and one of the activities for action under BRENU is to decrease the number of teenage pregnancies through provision of SRH information to adolescents including; HIV/AIDS prevention, contraceptive use and related myths, menstrual and general body hygiene among others.