關於Business Partners
BusinessPartners.com is the world’s largest business-partnering hub. We have embarked on a journey dedicated to helping entrepreneurs worldwide. We are a team of dedicated people who love helping people connect to create, build and grow new and existing businesses!
We know that to be successful in today's world it's not always what you know, it's who you know and more importantly, who is your partner? Face it, there would be no Apple computer without Steve and Woz! We believe there is a little Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in all of us. The key is finding the right partner to help us unlock our potential.
With Good Data and The Right Technology You Can Change The World & Make it a Better Place! Our Goal is to Help People Find the Right Complimentary Business Partners to help Catalyze New Ideas and Stimulate Global Economic Growth through New Business Formation & Network Business Opportunities.
Our Partner Match Program Matches your Needs & Compliments your Skill Sets & Personality to Help Find You a Perfect Match! Our Business & Alliance Partners can Help You Start or Fund a New Business or Grow an Existing One.
Whether Starting a Business or Seeking Growth Capital for an Existing Business, Business Partners Offers an Extensive Investor Database of Seasoned Industry Professionals to Connect with.
Our Membership Entitles you to Business Partner Matches and Direct Connections with Entrepreneurs, Founders, Highly Skilled Individuals, and Investors. You get access to Incredible Partnership Opportunities, New Streams of Sales Leads, Start-up Business Ventures and a Wealth of Business Data & Information. Each Profile has active Communication, Video & Grouping capabilities. All Members receive daily Targeted Business Partnership Recommendations in Multiple Categories.
You can also Get Assistance from Business Partner Network Service Professionals such as Accountants, Lawyers, Sales & Marketing Teams, Real Estate Brokers, Web Developers, Bloggers, Mentors & Much More. We Provide all of the Essential Details and Back-up support Professionals to Help You Start and Grow your Business, as well as listings of Success Stories from Growing Businesses.
Business Partners is a global Internet based service that connects Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Early Stage Companies, and Established Corporations with Partners, Angel Investors, Venture Capital Firms, Venture Capital Sources, Investment Funds, Investment Banks, Corporate Investors, Potential Business Partners, Strategic Alliances, Businesses for Sale, Business Consultants, and target data for Mergers and Acquisitions.