關於Calculator Plus
Calculator Plus is all in one lightweight calculator with powerful features and friendly designed interface. Perfect calculator and converter designed with simplicity operations. This is a perfect tool for daily calculations.
For now, it is the perfect calculator for you. you are easy to use with beautiful designed layout, support for phones or tablets with dynamic portrait and landscape orientation, so you can do better than your phone or handheld calculator.
Calculator Plus, a professional calculator, EASY and FAST to solve math problems in no time! Doing Math Problem not only about scientific and normal calculator, but it also can solve Equations. BMI Calculator is also another important part, which can help you remember your BMI DATA and help you. With Calculator Plus - Free Scientific Equation Solver, Basic Calculator and Scientific Calculator is all do good for solving Math Problem, Equation Calculator can handle multi lines of Math Problem, which is a good Math Problem helper.
• Perform basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Has scientific operations such as trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions
+ Easy operation for editing formulas
+ Four arithmetic operations, root, percentages, time, tax and parentheses calculations
+ Memory, M+, M-, MR, MC
Support calculation history, it is really helpful, so you can search or review the calculation history
- Long expressions with parenthesis and fractions.
Use the previously inputted formulas. Tap the formula you need from the calculation history.