關於Call recorder for whatsapp
auto call recorder for whatsapp & messenger is a free tools for record calling
with call recorder for whatsapp, you can recorded voice calls of your whatsapp and it a call recording both side, we will be add video calls and videollamada recording as soon, all WhatsApp calls automatically recorded just set it as auto in the settings.
this app is working without doing any actualizacion de whatsapp (Updating)
recorder calling and video is an automatic tools for record call also video call and get the callrecording as mp3,mp4,flv . this tools record all outgoing call & incoming call voice in whatsupp & messenger automatically.
Features :
- you can share records with your friends.
- chose a call record and add its in your favorites
- get the video calling record with heigh quality
- recieve notification after finish whassap calling
- change the setting to automatic recording to record call
messenger autmatically.
- the app is verry small and high quality.
- play record videocalling
- the posibility to delete an record
- Note: call record for whatsapp is not affiliated with Whatsapp,
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