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如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Quiz Histoire Cameroun 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Quiz Histoire Cameroun 所有舊版本。下載 Quiz Histoire Cameroun 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
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Bugs fixed: in training mode, after one min, if te user does not take any action, the app will go to the next question. This can be particularly helpful since it can allow you to let the application play in automatic mode without you having to come each time and press the button "Next".
We corrected many mistakes. Please quickly update
Version 4.0.
Search with a combination of keywords. Ex.1: Cameroun 1990. Ex.2 Cameroon Independence. Etc.
- You can now search and click on the image to make it bigger
-In the training mode, after one minute, the correct answer will be displayed automatically and move to the next question.
- If you think an answer is wrong, you can click on the button at the bottom of the screen to send us feedback with correct answer and references.
Please rate
Version 4.0.
- The dictionary is now working well. You can now search with a combination of keywords. Ex.1: Cameroun 1990. Ex.2 Cameroon Independence. Etc.
- You can now search and click on the image to make it bigger
-In the training mode, after one minute, the correct answer will be displayed automatically and move to the next question.
- If you think an answer is wrong, you can click on the button at the bottom of the screen to send us feedback with correct answer and references.
Please rate
Version 3.2.
Bug fixed for audio game type
Version 3.1.
1. You can choose the game language (French or English).
2. Click on Dictionary to quickly search for terms and learn them.
3. Many game categories added (Text, Image and Audio).
4. If a question is very difficult, you can click on Cheat to cheat te answer. However, doing so, you earn no dollars.
5. You can share any questions by email and any social network (Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.)
Please dont forget to rate us :)
1. You can choose the game language (French or English).
2. Click on Dictionary to quickly search for terms and learn them.
3. Many game categories added (Text, Image and Audio).
4. If a question is very difficult, you can click on Cheat to cheat te answer. However, doing so, you earn no dollars.
5. You can share any questions by email and any social network (Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.)
Please dont forget to rate us :)
1. You can choose the game language (French or English).
2. Click on Dictionary to quickly search for terms and learn them.
3. Many game categories added (Text, Image and Audio).
4. If a question is very difficult, you can click on Cheat to cheat te answer. However, doing so, you earn no dollars.
5. You can share any questions by email and any social network (Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.)
Please dont forget to rate us :)
version 2.4
- Avant, lorsque la réponse était juste, je jeu la marquait comme réponse fausse. Cette erreur a été corrigée.
version 2.3.
Rubriques Villes et régions du Cameroun et Grandes Ecoles du Cameroun ajoutées
- Please rate the application to make it credible, because the credibility of an application is measured only with respect to the assessment of the users of that application.
- Share it as much as you can to get this application help others in need.
Rubriques Villes et régions du Cameroun et Grandes Ecoles du Cameroun ajoutées
- Please rate the application to make it credible, because the credibility of an application is measured only with respect to the assessment of the users of that application.
- Share it as much as you can to get this application help others in need.
Version 2.1. Minor bugs
Version 2.0. New look, new design
- Please rate the application to make it credible, because the credibility of an application is measured only with respect to the assessment of the users of that application.
- Share it as much as you can to get this application help others in need.
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