Crash Club 系列的創作者 Hittite Games 自豪地展示了 Car Crash Asia。在 Car Crash Asia 中,您可以在山脈和寺廟之間駕駛汽車並撞車。 Car Crash Asia 等你來一場車禍,看看亞洲文化的美妙風景,欣賞汽車被砸的過程。駕駛汽車時不要忘記使用不同的攝像機角度。不同的汽車將讓您在每次駕駛時享受不同的乘坐體驗。如果您對撞車和砸車感興趣,請不要浪費任何時間下載 Car Crash Asia 並享受汽車砸,玩得開心。
10 new cars have been added to the game and the number of cars has been optimized. Now, cars will randomly appear on stage in each section. Realistic airbags have been added to the cars. If the car receives a frontal impact, the airbag will open.