關於Carrom (Karambol) 3D
卡羅姆(開倫)3D - 這是著名的印尼版卡羅姆棋盤遊戲
======== Indonesia ========
Di dunia internasional permainan ini disebut Carrom Board / Carrom Ball, datang ke Indonesia disebut Karambol, permainan ini sejatinya dimainkan orang sambil duduk di lantai atau di kursi dalam waktu yang relatif lama.
======== English ========
In the international world of this game called Carrom Board / Carrom Ball, coming to Indonesia called Karambol, this game is actually played by people while sitting on the floor or in the chair in a relatively long time.
You can play with the automatic machine (with difficulty levels beginner, intermediate, or expert), or with a friend using the same phone or using another android phone/tablet as a network game through WIFI or Bluetooth.
So what? Just Download it and try to playing Carrom (Karambol) and feel the taste...it's Free