關於Cattle Counter (Parrot)
For the flight planner (automatic flight):
1. Turn on drone and controller, and open the app on the phone.
2. Plug controller into phone over USB.
3. Wait for a popup asking for which app to handle the USB device. Choose cattle counter.
4. After a short few seconds, it should show connected.
5. Select "Flight Planner" at the top. It will ask to clear the drone's SD card. Once that's done you can tap on the map to create an area.
6. Press "Start Flight" and the drone should take off and fly the route.
For manual flight:
1. Do steps 1-4 from the previous list.
2. Press the big button that animates in once the drone is connected.
3. Fly normally and it will give you a video feed with boxes that the model detects.
Designed for Parrot Anafi