The app is designed to allow Tibetan citizens to log in and make their yearly Chatrel contributions. They can make contributions for themselves as well as for their families & friends too. They can check their past contributions and raise a dispute with CTA (if required).
As per the article 13 Section 4 of the Tibetan Charter, Chatrel is a voluntary contribution from every Tibetan in Exile to sustain Central Tibetan Administration until the Tibet Issue is resolved.
Tibetans contributing Chatrel are issued a Green Book. This book has over the years in effect become the passport of the exiled Tibetans to claim their rights from the CTA. Also in future it will become a base to claim Tibetan citizenship. Today, it is used for school admission, school or university scholarship, and employment within the exiled community. Payment of the voluntary contribution is a condition to gain voting rights in parliamentary elections.
The existence of Chatrel symbolizes the Tibetan people’s recognition of CTA as their legitimate representative. Chatrel payment exhibits Tibetan people’s support for CTA’s financial needs until Tibet regains freedom. Chatrel funds is an important source of revenue for CTA and it goes towards supporting various projects and activities benefiting the exiled Tibetan community.