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The World Science Fiction Convention is the annual convention for science fiction and fantasy fans from all over the world. This year, the Worldcon will be held in Chicago, from Augst 30 to September 3 2012. This will be the 7th time Chicago has hosted the Worldcon, with the first Chicon happening back in 1940! Chicon has over 800 program talks, panels, presentations and readings with more than 500 participants. Worldcon attendees also become members of the World Science Fiction Society for that year.
This year the Guests of Honor include author Mike Resnick, veteran astronaut Storey Musgrave and artist Rowena Morrill. Best selling author John Scalzi (Old Man's War and Redshirts) will be the Toastmaster.
A special guest is Sy Liebergot, a veteran of the Apollo program who'll be giving a series of talks on Apollo program. A parallel series of programming will be looking ahead at the future of space travel.
The Convention includes the annual Hugo Awards, the premier award for Science Fiction and Fantasy.
In recent years, the Worldcon has typically attracted between 3,000 and 6,000 attending members, coming from countries as diverse as Japan, Israel, Argentina, Brazil, Norway, Finland, Croatia, New Zealand, and Russia. The premier prize in science fiction, the Hugo Awards, are also presented at the Worldcon in a gala ceremony.
This app includes a complete schedule and participant list, updated feeds to ensure up-to-date schedule changes, and the ability to bookmark items. The app also fully integrates with Twitter, tying your convention-going experience with your social networking.
v1.0 : Initial release