關於Chinese Calendar Widget (中國農曆小工具)
Important: On Android 8.0 (API level 26) or above, the app may not works due to "Background execution limits" introduced in Oreo to improve battery life.
To overcome this, follow below steps:
(1) goto the "App info" screen
(2) then select "Battery > Battery optimization"
(3) set filter "All apps"
(4) locate and select Chinese Calendar Widget
(5) select "Don't optimize", then "DONE"
(6) restart app to confirm is working
A resizable Chinese calendar widget that shows the Lunar Year, Zodiac, Lunar Month & Date.
This doesn't open, it is a widget not an app. Add on home screen with
Menu -> Add -> Widgets -> Chinese Calendar Widget or
Apps -> Widgets -> Chinese Calendar Widget
The code is open source and available on github: https://github.com/HairyRobot/ChineseCalendarWidget
* Fixed Traditional Chinese display.
* Added Ignore Battery Optimization handling.
* Added Wake Lock handling.
* Updated notification channel handling.
* Updated targetSdkVersion to 28.
* md5: 42cd66b08805452ce2622bc965ed07a3
* md5(gplay): 76d1b8d2cc7243443ff37b8a5a77e26d